Monday, August 31, 2009

Zodiac Tattoos

zodiac tattoos

Chinese Zodiac Tattoos

By Ajay Cārvāka

Different culture has different names and Zodiac tattoos symbols, but basically there are only twelve names and symbols of the zodiac tattoos. In Asia, there are two different systems of astrological zodiac, which is followed by the two largest populated countries namely India and China. The two are different signs of the zodiac tattoos.

zodiac tattoosRecently Zodiac symbols become very popular as a sketch of tattoo. People like ink their astrological birth sign. There are many controversies about the meaning of a particular Chinese character, but no two opinions about the twelve Chinese zodiac tattoos signs. Therefore, it really safe from sketch to ink tattoo that is based on the astrological symbol of China on any part of your body. The only thing needed is to know your Chinese zodiac tattoos symbol according to Chinese astrology.

From your birth year, it is not difficult to find your Chinese zodiac symbol. However, always refer to the lunar calendar in China before taking any decision. Since, if you were born earlier this year is in January or February according to the Western calendar, your year of birth may be different according to the lunar calendar of China.

zodiac tattoosTwelve animals are different representatives of twelve zodiac signs. To Tattoo Zodiac based on Chinese astrology, you can choose either individual animal drawing your tattoo or May, you select the Chinese characters of the animal including your drawing. The 12 animals of the zodiac system of China are the Rat, Bull, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. All are good that the tattoo design. The tattoo design can get very creative out of shape these animals.

Sketch tattoo but easier, cheaper and perhaps the best and most spectacular are the symbols of these animals in the Chinese language. Find the right tattoo sketches Chinese zodiac tattoos is not easy. Most of the fees paid or a gallery of tattoo designs have a little room for Chinese tattoo designs. The traditional tattoo shops are not a very good source of tattoo designs Chinese zodiac tattoos.

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ankle Tattoo

ankle tattoo

Why Wrist Foot and Ankle Tattoo Designs Are So Hot - Sexy and Cute Tattoo Designs for Girls

By Chris Ryerson

Have you noticed that in recent years, the tattoo lower back is not as popular as before? It seems that as of May women have gone out and got less back tattoos that many women are now looking for something else. Of course, they always want something that's cute, feminine design and a hot tattoo look for girls. However, most women these days are no longer getting the lower back tattoo designs. They opt for foot tattoos, tattoo designs of wrist and ankle tattoo instead. Why do people have changed and what makes these places so popular among women and also so sexy.

ankle tattooMiniatures, Small and Sexy

Often getting a tattoo on top of your foot or the underside of your wrist by its very nature, means that the tattoo design should be quite small. It is interesting, but something magical happens when people miniaturize things. She makes some cute and sexy at once. This is also true for tattoo designs. If you are considering obtaining a tattoo design on the ankle then you're probably looking for something on the smaller side and by its very nature it will be cute and sexy.

Easy To Cover

Another reason these areas like the feet are also a popular place on the body to get a tattoo is that they are easy to conceal. For example, a wrist or foot or even a pin can easily be masked by a pair of socks or a watch. Yet, when one wants to reveal their sexy cute design or tattoo, they can easily prove to anyone they wish.

ankle tattooEasy to Get Tattoos

Another thing that makes these tattoos so popular is that they are very easy to get inked. A small tattoo that goes into these places is easy to design and takes an hour or less time to get inked. Therefore, if you are unsure of the pain of a tattoo or go to your first drawing is an easy way to start. It is not as expensive as a large tattoo design and it can be much cheaper in the end. It gives you a taste of the experience without going overboard. You may decide later, like most people who get tattoos, you want more but that is fairly easy to do.

The only word of advice is one of those areas can be difficult to get a tattoo from some other parts of the body. It does not really most people back, but you can mentally prepare yourself that this might be a little more painful then other areas get tattooed. Because all three of these areas have very little fatty tissue located between the skin and bones. Therefore, they tend to hurt more when ink is getting done. Again, this does not stop most people and people sit with tattoos all the time and you should be able to do so without too much noise.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Star Tattoo Designs

star tattoo designs

The essence of Designs Star Tattoo

Michael Serios

When it comes to tattoos we all know that we have millions of options to choose when it comes to designs, so that we do Well, with tribal designs, you can choose a design that does not mean anything to you, but it just seems absolutely awesome. There are hundreds of different tribal designs that can be used, or you can create your own, what you think, the better. You'll find thousands of award winning tattoo designs here, they will make you so excited you want to make an appointment with your tattoo artist immediately.

star tattoo designsTattoo designs of stars are also popular, but you can make it unique by the number of stars you have, where you have them, and design are in. You can even combine your tribal tattoo with your stars for make it even more unique. Stars with tattoos, you can put them almost anywhere - on your ankles, wrists, back of your neck and wherever you think it might look good. Tribal tattoos can be of any size and any shape. Some people have a large tribal tattoo top of their right of return on their shoulders and sometimes even into their stomachs.

Star tattoo designs can look very elegant on a lady and many ladies are the tattoos on their hips, some dropping to their catchment area. Stars on the lower abdomen look as good, and up past the belly button is also a popular motif. Stars as they seem better when they are small, but if you want to have on the right side of your body, then you may want to look for the biggest stars as then you will not need so many ' years. You can have stars or black colors, stars around hearts, butterflies, flowers or stars between / with / around a tribal design.

Star tattoo designs are going well with tribal designs, simply put the two together. You can find online your own creations, but it depends on where on your body you want them to feature. This makes it a little difficult as you must choose your design depending on where you want the tattoo. You can have a tattoo on a part of your body. Wherever you want the ink you can get until you're ready to face the pain associated with inking unusual places in the body but this should not be too difficult!

star tattoo designsBe careful when you combine the two models, the star pattern with the tribal tattoo design. Remember that this is not something that can easily be removed, be sure to put it in the right place.

Tattoo designs of stars are there for you to use, so what you waiting for? You have so many options to choose from, but make sure your final decision is what you really want. Make your stars something special. Design, color, number and size make it all worth it!

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Design Own Tattoo

design own tattoo

Design Your Own Tattoo

By Michael Mantis

Behind every tattoo, lies a story. If it is good or bad, it is a personal story that only the holder of the artwork can distribute. I do not think I ever met someone who did not have a story to share, especially when it came to their art. It is always annoying when you want to see your tattoos, because there are still connotations trying to link tattoos with unscrupulous people.

design own tattooMy stepfather died in 1994. This left my mother numb, and looking for something to relieve numbness tel. Therefore, at the age of forty-four years, my mother received her first tattoo. It was a flower, entwined design of thorns and roses, which meant the good times (pink) and the most horrible moments (spines) of his life. For her, it took away the numbness, and makes her feel that she could still feel. I also got my first tattoo with her. I was twenty-one years, and a very self-hating point in my life. I always said I was beautiful, but - like many insecure young women of my age - I do not think so.

So what better way to feel beautiful, to put an image of beauty on myself? I chose a fairy - a passionate looking woman who was not only naked but also stood on a rose - wings. Better yet, the tattoo looks like a butterfly from afar. The next time I had a tattoo, I wanted another fairy. However, I could not find an etching that I liked. Fortunately, one of the tattooists happened to be a graduate of the Art Institute of Chicago (I grew up in suburban Chicago area).

The tattoo artist has an original design of a fairy, and his long body, which makes the design of a design own tattoocherub move forward, as children figure, a voluptuous, breathtaking beauty with raven hair . She too is a fairy naked, but all the "bits" are covered very artistic. I had a six year old student of mine pointed out, crying: "Eww - She 's naked!" Without a pause in my reading lesson, I said: "That's art, honey." (I wore a Halloween costume that did not cover my upper leg - where the tattoo is.) Later my co-teacher pulled me aside and commented: "I love that you said a tattoo is an art!"

You do not need a book to tell you what a tattoo means to you. The total experience tattoo art comes from within you. I do not feel the same way I did before. A decade of life experiences gave me confidence I was lacking. However, for the moment I had no esteem for me love, I let my tattoos do the talking for me. I still love my two tattoos, and sometimes wonder if there are more tattoos in my future. Be assured that I have a story behind the next too!

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

O caminho para o sucesso

Olá amantes da arte.
Qual tatuador nunca sonhou com o sucesso com um studio totalmente impecável e sempre cheio de clientes? Qual profissional nunca sonhou com o reconhecimento dos seus trabalhos em escala nacional e quiçá internacional? Pois bem pessoal esse sonho persegue a maioria de nós tatuadores. O sonho do reconhecimento perante o seu grande publico.

Mas a grande pergunta é: O que você faz pra isso acontecer? E tem mais: Será que você está efetivamente preparado para o sucesso? Muitas são as formas e caminhos para alcançarmos a excelência. O primeiro passo é simplesmente trabalhar. Mas trabalhar muito mesmo. Penso que com muito trabalho e dedicação podemos começar a conseguir alguma coisa. Por conseguinte, podemos concentrar nossas forças em atender bem os nossos clientes. O tratamento com seriedade e respeito é tão importante, que desconhecemos a força e o efeito positivo que isso nos traz. Trate bem seu cliente, você só tem a ganhar. Estudos comprovam que um cliente satisfeito torna-se fiel eternamente. Um cliente muito satisfeito indica o seu trabalho para outros clientes, criando uma cadeia de valor para o seu negócio. Mas um cliente insatisfeito consegue contaminar duas vezes mais clientes de forma negativa. Então, pensem nisso!!!

Um studio de referência no mercado e um reconhecimento global depende plenamente do profissional. Depende de quanto ele está disposto a se expor e da consciência empreendedora do seu negócio. Existem tatuadores que são simplesmente tatuadores. Atuam no mercado sem a pretensão de um dia possuírem um studio com seu nome. Ao passo que existem profissionais que são verdadeiros empreendedores, que analisam de forma profissional o mercado, estudando seus aspectos minuciosamente para acertar em cheio no sucesso.

Ser tatuador empreendedor está ao alcance de todos nós!

Mas bem, já ia esquecendo... Com o reconhecimento vem a fama! Com a fama vem a vaidade. “Esse é o pecado capital que o diabo mais gosta”. O ser humano na sua essência tende a ser vaidoso e isso atrapalha um bocado. Poucos são os merecedores e visionários do sucesso. Sabem por quê? É fácil. Por que poucos o entendem e quase ninguém reconhece o verdadeiro valor que ele tem. O sucesso e o reconhecimento afloram a vaidade. Esse sentimento atrapalha e nos torna cegos. Até mesmo muitas vezes nos faz esquecer quem verdadeiramente somos!!!

Sendo assim caros amigos, essa é minha receita para vocês se tornarem profissionais de sucesso e tatuadores completos de A a Z.

Aos vaidosos e as “estrelinhas” de plantão um sincero tapinha nas costas... Aos profissionais que sabem respeitar até o valor das suas agulhas, um forte abraço e minhas saudações.

Que a força esteja com vocês sempre...

Rodrigo Carvalho - Salvador

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tattoo Night Show 2009, Salvador

Uma noite com muita tatuagem, música e arte é o que promete a Tattoo Night Show 2009. Grandes nomes da tatuagem baiana, concursos de melhores tatuagens, bandas e DJ´s são algumas atrações da segunda edição do evento. O Tattoo Night Show é realizado pela ACCTTB Associação Cultural e Cooperativa de Tatuadores, e a Boomerangue Eventos. Os tatuadores serão premiados com troféus e certificados de reconhecimento do profissional.

Quanto: R$ 9,99
Onde: Boomerangue
Endereço: Rua da Paciência, nº 3007, Rio Vermelho - Salvador
Telefone: 3495.0182

Critérios e informações relativas as inscrições de tatuagens no concurso

- As tattoos deverão ter nó mínimo quinze centímetros.
- Apenas serão aceitas participações de tatuagens finalizadas e cicatrizadas até o momento da apresentação.
- A taxa administrativa para inscrições em nove categorias, mais cinco cortesias a R$ 120,00.
- A taxa administrativa para inscrições em quatro categorias, mais duas cortesias a R$ 60,00.
- A taxa administrativa para inscrições em uma categoria a R$25,00.
- Inscrições: Bingha Tattoo - Tel: 3264.5322, Metal Tattoo - Tel: 3495.0182 e Kaya Tattoo - Tel: 3328.3970

Fotos Tattoo Night 2008

Monday, August 17, 2009

How to Tattoo- The process of tattooing

The art of tattooing is not a difficult task at all. The people who seek to join this profession will know that a little training is all they need and they can become tattoo professionals. The basic technique of tattooing involves a stencil and the gun machines that engrave the tattoo in to the skin with a proper ink. First the customer selects the design that he or she wished to support on their body. Then an outline or a pattern of that design is made. The right body part for the design is selected and the outline of the design is tattooed on that body part using a stencil. For the outlining a gun machine is used which engraves the outline in black ink. Then the lines are filled with colorful ink giving shape to the proper tattoo that the customer wanted to wear.
tattoo studio
So the next time you ask yourself ‘how to tattoo?’ just follow the above techniques or search for the detailed process on the internet. But it is to be taken care of that no one should try to tattoo with out any professional guidance as it can be very dangerous. A little training from the professionals is necessary. The art of tattooing involves a good imagination and creativity. It is the talent of those who can think innovatively and come up with new ideas that can catch the attention of all. A tattoo needs to be striking to look at and endearing to one who supports it. The art of tattooing involves talent and is not a cup of tea for every body.

Cute tattoo for girls

Hi there, today I will present a cute tattoo to you.
cute tattoo girls
Yes, Every girl love cute things,including a cute girls tattoo which looks fantastic. However it can be hard to choose a cute girl tattoo as there as so many cute designs out there! How to choose one without regret? You can browse tattoo galleries online and find the perfect one.
You will find the cute girls tattoo designs are often small, but very adorable! This is due to females having smaller bodies than males are choosing to have a small cute tattoo rather than a large tattoo – like the sleeve tattoo for example. As these appear more cute and more feminine but this opinion varies between girls.

Some other cute girls tattoos include: Butterfly tattoos, tribal tattoos, star tattoos (shooting star especially), heart tattoos and zodiac tattoos to name a few. These are all amazing designs and look great on a female.

HDTV Special

Hawaiian Tattoo

Cool Ideas Hawaiian Tattoo Designs

Otis Alston

Aloha! Hawaiian tattoo designs and body art have a long history of over thousand years. But it was not until the 1990s and began when celebrities on them, and then only tattoo designs started coming into vogue.

hawaiian tattooIn Hawaiian culture, getting a tattoo is considered a very important ritual. It was an important part of their lives to the extent that even a Hawaiian tattoo praying to God every time someone in the community gets a tattoo. And not as subject to fashion or simply to look cool, Hawaiians only get tattoos for a few reasons:

- For grieving loved one - To the memory of a lost love

- Talisman of Protection - To protect and ward off evil spirits or foe

- Personal Identification - Identify as a community or group

Therefore, most Hawaiian tattoos have some hawaiian tattoomeaning or significance behind it. Compared to their neighbors of other Polynesian islands in the chain, such as Maori and Samoan, Hawaiian tattoo designs tend to be bigger and bolder in size and color. Uncommon Hawaiian tattoo designs are:

- Arrows

- Flowers

- Dolphins

- Lizards (Hawaiians have great respect for lizards)

- Sea Turtle

Besides these works of traditional tattoo art, there is much more "fresh" Hawaiian band tattoo designs. Band Hawaiian tattoo design is very popular among the tattoo lovers today because of the "modern" traditional yet he did. If you want to look unique and exclusive Hawaiian tattoo artwork, visit my blog on the hottest and most talked about tattoo galleries online from the link below!

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Scorpion Tattoo

scorpion tattoo

Find Scorpion Tattoo Designs Online - Where is the quality of works of art?

By Adam Woodham

A scorpion tattoo design can really know if you have the right, but finding the quality artwork online can be very difficult, as you noticed in May Some works much on the generic Web. Well, here's what you need to know about much of the cookie-cutter designs on the web, and how to circumvent them, while earning the right to good things.

scorpion tattooWhen it is a scorpion tattoo design, you do not want to "settle" for random, generic artwork that will not be you. To avoid the fade out there are works of art, you want to avoid using Google, Yahoo or almost, and a search engine. These search engines only get people to the right of thousands of sites punch which are filled with the same artwork that is coated on hundreds of other sites already. Also, the artwork is that they are over five to six years in many cases. Who knows how many people may have the design of the ink scorpion tattoo on the body? This is not something you want on your skin. Tattoos you should be good and somewhat original. After all, you have about yourself for the rest of your life. This is one of the main problems with the punch of these sites. They are works of art that is old, plastered on many other websites and is something.

Most of his drawings were really drawn to be implemented as tattoos. Many of the artists who presented the work he did not have much knowledge at all when it comes to tattoos. What this means is that they do not know what it takes to make designs that will be again a good half of the ink on the skin of a person. You do not want something like that when you choose a scorpion tattoo design, because they can be quite detailed parts.

The good news is that you can easily spend a lot of these generic sites, while obtaining a quality scorpion tattoo you want ....

scorpion tattooSince we have excluded technically search engines and others, you can use something else to find the perfect scorpion tattoo on the Web. The easiest way to do this is to use internet forums. I can not tell you how many hundreds of times, I and I know that many people have used to locate the hidden, quality websites that are original works for all styles. Recognizing that perfect scorpion tattoo can be easy when you search for keywords in the forums. People post their findings on the forums and you will reap the fruits of their findings. Since few people are looking, you can be sure that you get new ideas. Also, this is how you will be able to locate the drawings that are really intended to be made in tattoos, because you will be able to find a scorpion tattoo art to artists who have that critical knowledge.

Find a quality design scorpion tattoo online can be easy today, so please, do not settle on the highest part of works of art that litters the generic Web and engines search.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

tattoo letter designs

tattoo letter designs

How to choose your Letter Tattoo Designs

By Stephen Fredricks

One of the most interesting tattoo is that the choice of a word or phrase. While some have had serious problems (such as getting a tattoo of a girlfriend's name to break the next day), in general, letter tattoo designs are a fun way to get a name, phrase, or a statement on your body as both individuals and body art and a public statement.

tattoo letter designsOne of the things difficult, however, is that it is too easy to make mistakes with your letter tattoo designs. The lettering must be specifically works of art - something that looks attractive on your body. "Times New Roman" is not going to cut - the "police" the writing must be specific - what can be considered as a work of art even though the word itself is gibberish.

The two different types - and their importance

When people search for tattoo letter designs, they are generally looking for one of two things:

1) letters in English which is winding and artistic.

2) Chinese characters that are correct.

Regarding the characteristics of English, finding the correct letter of tattoo designs can be complicated. Unlike some types of works of art, literature is like writing - it is easier to build if it is something that you know. Accordingly, it is a good idea to go directly to your living room and see what letters they have available. This gives you the opportunity to see the types of letters, they are familiar, so you can be confident they are able to correctly create the look you want. If not, go to another salon.

tattoo letter designsChinese characters can be tricky. The significance of letter tattoo design changes based on the accuracy of the writing. Far too unfamiliar with many Chinese artists to leave a line or mark, change the meaning of the word - or give the word means nothing at all.

The best way to remedy this situation is to send letters to a tattooist who is fluent in written Chinese. This way they can send you a precise word, which is designed as a beautiful tattoo, but also is correct in both direction and intent.

Choose the correct letter tattoo designs is more important than the content words that you do. When looking English letters, trust your living room. When searching for Chinese characters, make sure you go to an expert in the language of experience design tattoo.

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ricardo Dias, GóruZ Tattoo

Meu nome é Ricardo Dias sou do Studio GóruZ Tattoo, que fica aqui em São Paulo, no Bairro da Mooca. Sou tatuador há 25 anos, gosto de trabalhar com todos os estílos ( Oriental, Realismo, etc...)
