Selecionamos estas tatuagens: estrela náutica, dados com asas, caveira new school, borboleta colorida, caveira preto e cinza, Laranja Mecânica, Irmãos Warner ( Wakko, Dot e Yakko ), tribal maori, pimenta, borboleta azul, estrela vermelha, estrela azul, bode preto e cinza, coração com faixa, símbolo da banda Guns´n´Roses, Eddie símbolo da banda Iron Maiden, Flor de Lótus, escrita hard core, garoto musical, fada negra na lua e borboleta roxa.
We select these tattoos: nautical star, dice with wing, new school skull, colorful butterfly, black and gray skull, A Clockwork Orange, Warner Brothers ( Wakko, Dot and Yakko ), tribal maori, pepper, blue butterfly, red star, blue star, black gray goat, heart with band, symbol of the Guns'n'Roses, Eddie symbol of the band Iron Maiden, Tiger Lotus, writing hard core, musical boy, black fairy in the moon and purple butterfly.
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